Илья Витальевич Розанов старший геолог. начальник отряда.

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Должность: старший геолог. начальник отряда.
Дата рождения: 04.12.1999
Гражданство: Российское
Разрешение на работу в Росии: Нет
Семейное положение: Холост
Имя: Илья
Отчество: Витальевич
Фамилия: Розанов
Название ВУЗа: Московский Геологоразведочный Университет
Дата поступления: 30.11.1999
Дата окончания (планируемая): 30.11.1999
Специальность: Геология, поиски и разведка МПИ
Квалификация: инженер-геолог
Курс: 6
Готовность переехать: Да
Компьютерные программы:
Наименование Уровень
GIS свободный
Иностранные языки:
Наименование Уровень
английский средний
Проф. уровень: Специалист
Стаж работы: свыше 10 лет


 41 years


+7 (903) 568-35-24

[email protected]


Lives: Moscow region, Russia

Nationality: Russia

I am ready to moving, I am  ready to business trips


Experience — 17 years 6 months


April, 2013






Senior geologist.

Searches of perspective sites on primary and placer gold in the territory of Ethiopia. Studying of archival materials of the ministry of geology. Drawing up project of field and cameral works. Field works on sections. Control sampling concentrating for small - volume and geochemical sampling, a driving of holes, geological mapping of scale 50 000 and 20 000. Geological reports to the investor. Control of tests of preparation and sending tests to laboratory. Creation of full geological maps of scale 50 000 and 20 000 in ArcMap (including air-photo interpretation and processing of results of geological mapping, surveying) .interpretation of results of the laboratory analysis of tests and map development of the facts with  perspective sections on detection of primary  gold (GIS).

 June, 2012 — March, 2013








Control of exploration of placer and primary deposits diamonds. Field works, Control sampling concentrating for small - volume. Makeshift of simple concentrating plant  for small - volume . Assessment of prospects of deposits of diamonds. Drawing up geol. reports. Processing and interpretation of field data. Map development of the facts in ArcMap. Luanga section.

September, 2011 — April, 2012





Democratic Republic of Congo

Senior geologist.

Exploration and assessment of deposits of diamonds, gold, copper, cobalt, geological cartography and updating of the GIS geological database; geological control at investigation by exploration of diamonds, gold, copper. Searches of MPI of copper in Zambia (geological control of drilling, geochemical approbation), laboratory research of samples. Drawing up geological reports for  the invtstor.

January, 2010 — September, 2011






senior geologist

 Geological control on production of diamonds and in passing gold, searches of deposits of diamonds and gold. Studying of archival materials in the ministry of geology. Preparation and maintenance of field works. Concentrating and small - volume approbation. Quality control of enrichment of explorative tests. Quality control of enrichment on production. Help in installation of the concentrating equipment. Independent production of simple concentrating installations. Drawing up reports of works to the customer and local geological services.

October, 2008 — July, 2009




Liberian Mining Company (Africa)

Republic of Liberia

chief of group

Searches of radical diamond fields, exploration on detection of scatterings of diamonds. Preparation and maintenance of field works. Concentrating and small - volume approbation. . Quality control of enrichment of explorative tests. Quality control of enrichment on production. Help in installation and tincture of the concentrating equipment. Production of simple concentrating installations. Assessment of prospects of manifestations of diamonds, gold. Drawing up geol. report  for  the investor.

June, 2007 — February, 2008




Federal State Unitary Enterprise V/O Zarubezhgeologiya, Moscow



Exploration of diamonds deposits  in Angola . Saurimo, in the BHP Billiton company. Field works, sample concentrating , cameral processing of materials.

May, 2004 — September, 2007





JSC Almazy Anabara of JSC ALROSA Yakutsk

Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

section  geologist

 Geological control at exploration and maning of group of diamond deposits  (the Ebelyakhsky area). Drawing up reports (reserve calculation, geological plans, etc.). Digital processing of materials

June, 1996 — April, 2004



Amakinsky Prospecting expedition of JSC ALROSA

Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)



Exploration of placer and primary deposits diamond . Documentation of a core of wells, excavations. Different types of approbation. Cameral processing of materials. Drawing up reports ( geological maps, etc.). Digital processing of materials.


The higher education



Moscow Prospecting University

Geology, searches and investigation of MPI, geological engineer


 Moscow Prospecting technical school

Geology, searches and investigation of MPI, technician-geologist


Key skills


Language skills

English — colloquial, technical

просмотров: 878

Подписка на новости и вакансии
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ВУЗы : Высшие Учебные Заведения горного направления

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Рекламный блок
как начать выигрывать в mines

Игорь Михайлович Петров.
Рейтинг поисковых запросов за неделю


    2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013


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    Январь Февраль Март Апрель Май Июнь Июль Август Сентябрь Октябрь Ноябрь Декабрь

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